15 Ways You’re Doing Social Media Wrong

In the fast-paced world of social media, it's easy for brands to get overwhelmed and default to a creating bland content, ultimately this can hurt their online presence.

To help you avoid these pitfalls, we've compiled a list of the top social media mistakes brands make in 2023, along with tips on how to do it right.

Don’t feel like to have to “fix” all of these for your brand. Check out the list and prioritize up to 3 items. And once you feel like you’ve got a handle on those then come back and see what can be improved then.

  1. Focusing on quantity over quality

    Mistake: Prioritizing a high volume of low-quality posts can lead to audience disinterest and reduced engagement

    Solution: Prioritize quality content that resonates with your audience over a high volume of low-quality posts. Here’s an explainer on why quality is most important.

  2. Focusing too much on selling

    Mistake: Overly promotional content can come across as insincere and can turn off potential customers.

    Solution: Create content that provides value to the audience and builds a relationship with them, rather than just promoting products or services.

  3. Not being real

    Mistake: Creating a false persona or trying to be something you're not can come across as inauthentic and may damage your brand's reputation.

    Solution: Be true to your brand's values and mission, and communicate in a way that feels natural and authentic. If you’re struggling with this start with why.

  4. Failing to establish a clear brand voice

    Mistake: Without a consistent brand voice, your social media presence can lack a clear identity and message, making it difficult to connect with your audience.

    Solution: Develop a clear and consistent brand voice that reflects your brand's values, mission, and personality. Here’s a starter on how to develop a clear voice.

  5. Not understanding what their audience wants

    Mistake: Without understanding your audience's preferences and needs, your content may not resonate with them and may not be effective.

    Solution: Research and listen to your audience to understand what they want and tailor your content to meet their needs.

  6. Not investing in quality content

    Mistake: Low-quality content can come across as unprofessional and may not engage your audience.

    Solution: Invest in high-quality content, such as professional photography, video, and design, to make a strong impression and engage your audience.

  7. Failing to tell a story

    Mistake: Focusing solely on product or service promotion can lead to disinterest from your audience, who are looking for compelling and engaging content.

    Solution: Create content that tells a story, connects with your audience on an emotional level, and provides value beyond just promotion. Here’s a primer on storytelling for social media.

  8. Being too promotional

    Mistake: Over-promoting your products or services can come across as insincere and may turn off your audience.

    Solution: Create content that provides value to your audience, such as educational or entertaining content, and balances promotional messaging with other types of content.

  9. Not using visuals

    Mistake: Neglecting to use visual content, such as images and videos, can make your social media presence appear dull and unengaging.

    Solution: Incorporate visual content into your posts to grab attention and engage your audience.

  10. Not adapting to platform changes

    Mistake: Ignoring platform changes, such as algorithm updates or new features, can limit your reach and make it difficult to connect with your audience.

    Solution: Stay up-to-date on platform changes and adapt your social media strategy accordingly to ensure that you are maximizing your reach and engagement. See what impact Reels has had on Instagram.

  11. Ignoring analytics

    Mistake: Without monitoring your social media performance, you may not be able to identify areas for improvement or understand what's working and what's not.

    Solution: Use analytics to track your social media performance and adjust your strategy accordingly to optimize your results. This article is old but covers the one metric we think is most important.

  12. Not investing in paid social media advertising

    Mistake: Relying solely on organic reach may limit your reach and effectiveness on social media.

    Solution: Invest in paid social media advertising to increase your reach and engagement with targeted audiences.

  13. Not using video

    Mistake: Neglecting to use video content on social media can mean missing out on an opportunity to engage your audience with dynamic and visually appealing content.

    Solution: Incorporate video content into your social media strategy to engage your audience and stand out in the crowded social media landscape. Here’s an article on posting video properly on the socials.

  14. Ignoring new features

    Mistake: Failing to explore and use new features can make your social media presence appear stale and out-of-date, and can limit your ability to reach new audiences.

    Solution: Keep an eye out for new features and updates on social media platforms, and experiment with them to see how they can help you reach and engage your audience. Here’s an article on new features in Instagram in 2023.

  15. Not engaging with their audience

    Mistake: Failing to respond to comments and messages, or not engaging with your audience can make them feel neglected and unimportant.

    Solution: Monitor your social media accounts regularly, respond to comments and messages, and actively engage with your audience to build relationships and foster loyalty.

By improving on these common social media mistakes and adopting best practices, brands can truly benefit from the power of social media to reach and engage their audiences, build brand awareness, and ultimately drive business success.

Lorenzo Fernandez-Kopec

Lorenzo is the co-founder of Peakbound Studio (formerly LFK Media). Peakbound is a full-service documentary style video production company that serves businesses and non-profit organizations. They’re based in Oakland, CA and serve the San Francisco Bay Area

Peakbound aims to build a story with substance, they take time to understand your project from a high level to the granular making sure every aspect is bound to connect with your audience.

With 100,000+ video views and a 5 star rating from our clients Peakbound plans for peak performance with every project.


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